$13 to $24 per SF in Long Island
$6.95 to $7.95 per SF in Northeastern Pennsylvania
Cut Your Costs by 50% to 60%!
Is your landlord asking you to pay $13 per square foot to $24 per square foot for your industrial space? Just three hours to your west in NEPA, you’ll pay $6.95 to $7.95 per SF, NNN and you’ll get immediate highway access, high ceilings, great loading, affordable utilities, and more room on-site to park your trailers.
And real estate taxes? Here you’ll pay $0.75 to $0.95 per square foot compared to the $3.50 per square foot you’ll likely pay in Long Island. We even have special tax abatement zones where you’ll pay next to nothing.
Sample 100,000 Square Foot Industrial Space Comparison
Estimated Annual Savings
Northeastern Pennsylvania vs. Long Island, New York
= $1,053,000
Note: Mericle owns several properties that are located in LERTA zones (10-year, 100% real estate tax abatement on improvements).